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2024 – 11th edition

MONDAY May 27 2024
08.30 - 08.50Registration
08.50 - 09.00Welcome remarks
09.00 - 09.50 Scale Economies and Aggregate Productivity
Anthony Savagar, University of Kent
; J. Kariel
09.50 - 10.40Toward a holistic approach to central bank trust
Sandra Eickmeier, Deutsche Bundesbank
; L. Petersen
10.40 - 11.00Coffee break
11.00 - 11.50The Macroeconomics of Liquidity in Financial Intermediation
Davide Porcellacchia, European Central Bank
; K. D. Sheedy
11.50 - 12.40BigTech Credit, Small Business, and Monetary Policy Transmission: Theory and Evidence
Xiang Li, Halle Institute for Economic Research
; Y. Huang, H. Qiu, D. Su, and C. Yu
12.40 - 14.30Lunch + Poster session I
14.30 - 15.20Monetary Policy, Firm Heterogeneity, and the Distribution of Investment Rates
Matthias Gnewuch, European Stability Mechanism ; D. Zhang
15.20- 16.10Monetary policy transmission through shadow and traditional banks
Amina Enkhbold, Bank of Canada
16.10 - 17.25Coffee break + Poster session II
17.25 - 18.15Inframarginal Borrowers and the Mortgage Payment Channel of Monetary Policy
Daniel Ringo, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
20.00Conference dinner (Brasserie HA', Kouter 29, 9000 Ghent
TUESDAY May 28 2024
08.45 - 09.00Coffee
09.00 - 09.50Oil markets and global economic conditions: Evidence from a general equilibrium model
Romain Houssa, University of Namur; J. Mohimont
09.50 - 10.40The Risk of Inflation Dispersion in the Euro Area
Aymeric Ortmans, Banque de France; S. Lhuissier, and F. Tripier
10.40 - 11.00Coffee break
11.00 - 11.50The Inflationary Effects of Global Supply Chain Shocks: Evidence from Swedish Microdata
David Finck, Deutsche Bundesbank; M. Klein, and P. Tillmann
11.50 - 12.40E pluribus plures. Shock dependency of the USD trade elasticities
Massimo Ferrari Minesso, European Central Bank; J. Gräb
12.40 - 14.00Closing lunch
Deasy AriyantiCountercyclical Capital Buffer and Bank Risk-Taking Behaviour: Compromising Ends with Means?UGent
Julia JesionekMortgage moratoriaUGent
Alberto PaviaThe Role of Risk Sharing in Attenuating Business Cycles Within Currency UnionsKU Leuven
Marta Maria PisaTemperature forecast errors in the Euro AreaUGent
Dieter Van EsbroeckSchumpeterian Dynamism or Socialization: Persistence of Firm DominanceKU Leuven
Tobias VerlaecktThe heterogeneous effects of LTV limits on access to mortgage credit.UGent
Thomas LebbeProduction, Energy and Emissions: the production side in a macro-energy modelUGent
Max GödlWage Setting in Times of High and Low InflationUniversität der Bundeswehr
Karoline OffenThe Macroeconomic Effects of FX InterventionMartin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Yasmine MeerschautAccounting for heterogeneity and extreme weather events in measuring adaptation to climate change in U.S. agricultureUGent
Marthe MareelsPositive hysteresis: The long-run effects of temporary supply shocksUGent
Alec Van BovenEnergy- and food price shocks in a small scale open-economy TANK modelUGent
Konstantin GantertThe Impact of Active Aggregate Demand on Utilization-Adjusted TFPTilburg University
Christian BuelensGoogling “Inflation”: What does Internet Search Behaviour Reveal about Household (In)attention to Inflation and Monetary Policy? European Commission
Rositsa ChankovaLooking through non-core shocks? Unraveling Eurozone Inflation Dynamics and Policy Implications from Food and Energy PricesUniversity of Oxford
Lara CoulierAre low interest rates firing back? Interest rate risk in the banking book and bank lending in a rising interest rate environmentUGent
Nikolaos KoutounidisHeterogeneous reaction of debt to income shocksUGent
Vincent NotteExchange rate pass-through to domestic price in Latin America: does financial dollarization still matter?UC Louvain
Christophe Van LangenhoveUS wealth inequality since 1982: a quantitative investigation using a heterogeneous agent macroeconomic modelUGent
Arthur JacobsTop income inequality as a driver of automation? - An evaluation in a quantitative heterogeneous-agent modelUGent
Miriam BraigExchange Rate Overshooting: Unraveling the PuzzlesUniversity of Erfurt
Monika De Ridder 'Coordination of fiscal and monetary policy in response to natural disastersUGent
Pablo PastorAttention and Uncertainty about Monetary Policy: Evidence from Corporate and Banks Earnings Calls.UGent
Arthur ApostelBelgian wealth inequality, 1935-2022UGent